P AST A IL PRIMO PIA T T OFOR ABOUT 2 4 RA VIOLI250 G ( 8 O Z ) P A S T A FL OUR 0 02 E GGS3 T ABLESPOONS DURUM W HEA T ( SEMOLINA )1 E GG Y OLKFOR THE FILLING2 5 0 G ( 8 O Z ) SPINA CH , W ASHED1 T ABLESPOON OLIVE OILPINCH OF FRESHL Y GROUND PEPPER AND SEA SAL T125 G (5 O Z ) RIC O T T A CHEESE50 G (2 O Z ) P ARMIGIANO RE GGIANO , GRA TEDPINCH OF NUT ME GBUT TERT O SERVE 4MAK ING RA VIOLI DOUGHPlace the flour in a bowl. Make a well in the middle. Beat the eggs and put them in the well. Work in the flour with a fork or with your fingertips.When the liquid part is absorbed, start kneading the pasta. Use a wooden board or wooden worktop and work the pasta for about 10 minutes with the palm of your hand, pulling on all sides. Take care not to tear the dough apart, keep it elastic. If the dough is too soft, add a little flour, and if it is too dry, add some water by wetting your hands.Once the dough is firm and smooth, form a ball and wrap it in cling film. Leave the ball to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.MAK ING THE FILLINGRemove the stems from the spinach. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan and slowly heat the spinach in it, on a low heat with the lid on, for about 5 minutes. Drain the remaining liquid as soon as the spinach is evenly cooked. Season the spinach with freshly ground pepper and sea salt. Next, mix the spinach with the ricotta and the Parmigiano Reggiano in a bowl until they are evenly distributed, and add a pinch of nutmeg to give the filling additional aroma. Place this filling into a wide-mouthed piping bag.After leaving the dough to rest, cut a piece off the ball and place the rest back in the cling film or wrap in a tea towel so that it does not dry out. Dust the ball with some flour and pass it 3 or 4 times through the pasta machine at the widest setting. Then dust the dough again with some flour, fold it double and roll it out again. Then roll it out thinner and thinner. When the two sides of the rolled-out pasta feel leathery and do not stick together when you press them together, they are ready to cut out the ravioli. Ideally, the last pass should be with the machine on the finest setting. What you then have are thin sheets about 2mm (1/10 inch) thick and 10cm (4 inches) long. You must end up with 2 sheets. Sprinkle the first sheet of dough with durum wheat. In that half, pipe a small heap of spinach filling in imaginary 4 x 4cm (1½ x 1½ inch) squares. Place the other half over it. Cut out the squares with a sharp knife and press the edges tight with your fingers or a fork. Don't leave too much edge, because it's not tasty. Make sure that the dough sits tight, with no air inside the ravioli. Brush the edges with the egg yolk to make sure they are airtight. If you use a special ravioli shape (a piece of metal with cavities and serrated edges), take a dough sheet and fold it double. Cut through the sheet on the fold to create two equal sized pieces. Put one half on the ravioli shape. Fill the cavities with the filling. Place the second half on top, roll over the ravioli tightly with the rolling pin and remove the excess dough.When the water for the ravioli is boiling, carefully place the ravioli in the water with a skimmer. Once the ravioli floats, it is cooked. Carefully remove the ravioli from the water with the skimmer and place neatly on the plate. Using a spoon, sprinkle the ravioli with spinach and a little butter sauce.Ravioli ricotta e spinaciPREP ARA TION34fresh pastaP AST A IL PRIMO PIA T T O106400 G ( 14 O Z ) P A C CHERI ( SHORT , TUBUL AR P AST A )½ RED PEPPER1 GARLIC CL O VE , CRUSHED3 T ABLESPOONS EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL300 G ( 1 0. 6 O Z ) R O M A T OMA T OESSAL T3 T ABLESPOONS PE C ORINO , GRA TED3 T ABLESPOONS P ARMIGGIANO , GRA TED1 HANDFUL BASIL LEA VEST O SERVE 4Finely chop the chilli pepper and lightly fry with the garlic in the olive oil.Peel the tomatoes by cutting a cross in the bottom, immersing them for 10 seconds in boiling water and then in cold water. Halve the tomatoes, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Add these as the garlic starts to colour and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.In the meantime, cook the paccheri until al dente in a large pot of salted water. Drain, mix with the tomato sauce and season with the cheese.Stir for a few minutes so that the pasta mixes well with the sauce. Just before serving, add a handful of fresh basil leaves and a drizzle of olive oil.Paccheri allo scarparielloP A C CHERI W ITH SCARP ARIELL O SA UCE PREP ARA TIONP AST A IL PRIMO PIA T T O182200 G (7 O Z ) W H I T E P A S T A PO T A T OES1 L ARGE AL UMINIUM BAK ING SHEET 300 G ( 1 0 O Z ) C O A R S E SAL T 7 0 G (2 1/2 O Z ) D U R U M W HEA T FL OUR T YPE 0 03 0 G ( I O Z) E G G W H I T EPINCH OF SAL T5 0 0 ML ( 1 PINT ) MINERAL W A TER2 0 0 GR ( 7 O Z ) PORCINI ( CEPS )1 SHALL O T , FINEL Y CHOPPED3 0 G ( 1 O Z ) CARRO T , FINEL Y CHOPPED2 0 0 G ( 7 O Z ) CELERIA C1 0 W HITE PEPPERC ORNS7 G ( 1/ 4 O Z ) W H I T E TRUFFLES20 M L (2/3 F L . O Z ) C R E A M1 G ( 0 . 3 5 O Z ) LE CITHIN20 M L (2/3 F L . O Z ) W H I T E W INE1 0 M L ( 1/3 F L . O Z ) S O Y O I L1 G SAL TT O SERVE 4Preheat the oven to 180°C. Wash the potatoes, without peeling, and dry.Take the aluminium sheet, sprinkle the coarse salt on it, place the potatoes on top and cover with aluminium foil. Place in the oven for around 1 hour 20 minutes.GNOC CHIPeel the cooked potatoes and pass them through a vegetable press. Leave the purée to cool to room temperature in a large dish. Add the durum wheat flour, the egg white and the pinch of salt and mix well. Squeeze the dough into a ball and knead on a well-floured surface for about 5 minutes until slightly elastic. If the dough is sticky, add some flour. Shape the gnocchi as the fancy takes you.BOUILL ON Bring the water to the boil. Add the roughly cut porcini, the shallot, the carrot, the celeriac and the peppercorns. Leave to simmer for 40 minutes on a moderate heat with the lid on. Strain the bouillon and divide into two bowls. Place half the bouillon in a large pot and add the gnocchi. Let them boil for 3-4 minutes or until they float up to the surface. Scoop out the gnocchi witha skimmer and place in a bowl. Don't place too many gnocchi in the bouillonat once: they need to be able to 'swim' freely.MOUSSE Place the other half of the bouillon into another pot and add the cream, the white wine and just over half of the white truffle. Allow to reduce to about two-thirds of the mass. Strain the vegetables and add the remaining white truffle, the oil, lecithin and a pinch of salt, and beat to a mousse with the hand blender. Porcini gnocchi withtruffle moussePREP ARA TIONBelgu ga, Ma astrichtchefHANS V AN W OLDEWe hope youenjoyed this EYB Book PreviewThe complete book is available from all major booksellers. Or use the "Buy Book" button and help support EYB.Next >