CHAPTER ONE THE GOLDEN AGE AND THE WARTIME ERA (1928-1949) STEAMBOATWll.l.lf .: CrispyCat�sh and F'r-icgwith E\emoulade THE THREE LITTLE PICS: Fifer Straw and lfay Pasta WISE UTI'LE HEN: 8u11ermilk-Honey Skillet Cornbread THE CODOF.SS OFSPRINC: Persephone Spr;ngSalad with Green Goddess Dressir1g THE COLDEN TOUCH: K;ng M;das Colden Touch Roasted Chicken SNOW WH ITE: Snow White Apple Strudel SNOWWIIITE: Black l'ores1 Ho, Cocoa F'ANT,\SIA: Waltt of tbc Flowers Fai1y Cake FANTAS lk The Sorecrers Apprcnt ice Wiza.rd Hat Cupcakes PINOCCHIO: Cepcuo Tuscan Roast Ch;ekcn DUMBO: Friendslup-BuildingPeean Bars 00181: Special :r,·eat Cree,is FUI'/ ANO FANCY f1\EE: Chocola1e Pot Roas1 whl, Creon Crnvy TIIEADVE�'TURESOF ICIIABODAND MR. TOAD: Mr. Rat Keep Calru and Carry On Tea Biscuits TIIEADVE�'TUIIES OFICIIABOD AND MR. TOAD: Sleepy 1 lollow•een Jack· ·o•Lantern Cupcakes CHAPTER T\VO THESJLVERAGE (1950-1967) CINDEREI.I.A: Cus-Cus Cheesy Corn Puffs CINDEREU,\! Bibbidi-Bohbodi BluebenyTarts ALICE IN WON0£RI.AND: Queen of Hearts Jam Tarts ALICE Its lVONDERLAND: 01eshire Cat Crin PETP.R PAN: Tick-Tock Crockta;I PETER PAN: CrispyO,•en-fried Codfish I.ADY AND THE TRAMP: Cood Ooggic Oom,1s SLeEPINC BEAUTY: VcryTaU Buuercrcam Bi r1hday Cake SI.F.F.Pl�C BF..AlITY: J-\\lrora Chamomile Tea Lat1c ONE HUNDREDAND ONEOALMATIANS: Towering Roast Beef SaodwlCbcs TUE SWORD IN TIIESTONE, Disappearing Wizard Mix TH EJONCL£ SOOK: 8:1.rc Necessities Banana Mufflns CHAPTER THREE Tl-IE BRONZEAGE (1970-1988) THEARISTO<'.ATS: l \oquefort Blue Cheese Wheels ROBIN HOOD: Coin Cookies THEMANYADVENTURES OFWINNIETHE POOH: Smackcrel of Moncyeakes l'HEMANY AOVENTUI\ES OFWINNIETH£ POOH: l\abbi1 Blustery Day Carro, Soup THE RESCUERS: Kiny-Cat Snaps THE FOXANDTIIEIIOUND: Porcupine-Shaped Meatballs THE CI\EAJ MOUSE DETECTIVE: Mrs. Judson Cheese Cmmpets OLIVER& COMPANY: NYC Pup Cart Chili Dogs CHAPTER FOUR THE DISNEY RENAISSANCE (1989-1999) TIIE LITTLE MERMAID: Under tl1e Sea Currie<l Crab-Free DuinpUngs THE IJT'TLF. M ERMAJO: Mermaid's Kiss BEAUTY ANO THE BEAST: Soup du Jou, BF..4UT\' AND TM E BFAST: Hot Hors d'Oucvrcs CougCrcs BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Tarte aux F'raiscs wiLh Mrs. Po11s Spech1l .. Tca ALADDIN: Atabi,ui Moon Coolcies THf. UON KINC: Pumba .. No Worries-Mashed Potatoes THE UON Kl NC: Pecans with a Ve1y Pleasant Cru.och POCt..HOI\IAS: Three Sisters Succotash DESICN NOT Ft� I TJIE H UNCH BACK OF t/OTRE DAME: Peas1 or Fools Topsy T\l'I'\')' Cake HERCULES: The Big Olive Bread MUL,IN: Happy-to-Sec-You Porridge MUIAN: Hua Li Ginger-Pork Dumrlings CHAPTER FIVE THEPOST RENAISSANCE ERA (2000-2009) TJIE EMPEROl\'SNEWGROOVE: Roasted Puq>le J>en,"ian Pota1oes THE EM PEROR·s NEW GROOVE: Mudka Meo, Mug DINOSAUR: Plio Madagascan Mok>')' ATI/INTIS: The Lost Empfre: "Cookie" Road-t o·AtlantisTurkey Jcr�,• TREASURE PIANF.T: AlponianChowder with Exira Solaris Seed TREASURE PLANET: Bo ma beast Stew LI LO & STITCH: Lilo Luau Blue llawaiia.n LILO & STITCH: Polynesiall Sweet Potatoes BROTHER BEAR: Nut-Crusted Salmon with Crailberry Relish HOM EON THE R.��GE: Little P:ueh or 1-JeaveJl Custard Pie MF.ET THE ROBINSONS: Meatball Cannon Meatballs in Gravy BOLT: Warne World 01icken and Warnes THE PRINCESSANDTHE FROG: Big Daddy Beignets CHAPTER SIX THE REVIVALERA (2010-PRESENT) TANGLED: Parmesan-Garlic Braided Skillet Bread TANCl..£0: Sundrop Flower Sipper WRECK· IT R..\LPJI: Sagar 1\ush Lollipops FROZEN: Scandinavian t>,mcakes with Lingo1:ilierry Jam FROZEN: Icicle Cookies BIC 111mo 6: Aun1 Cass Face .. NumbingChicken Wings RIC HER06: floney·Lemon Bees Knees MOANA: Heihei No-Chicken Boat Snack ZOOTOPIA: Omcer lloppsOven·Baked Carrot Cake Donuts £!(CANTO: Julic10 Magical Arcpas E.NCANTO: Proposal Di,rner Soup f\AYA ANDTIIElASTOMCON: Uniftc.11ion Soop lvlYAANDTHE LAST 01\ACON: TukTukSpringRolls STR�NCE WORl.D: Splat Pancakes WISH: \ Star Cookies DESIGN NOT FINAL ALICE IN WONDERLAND Cl-l�SI-IIR� CAT GRIN Nothing in Wonderland is quite as ii seems, and Iha! is mos! apparent with the mysterious Cheshire Cal, who has a tendency lo leave his smile behind when he vanishes! This color-changing libation won't make you grow bigger or smaller, but it is sure lo leave a grin on your face long after it's gone! DRINK + GE V. V + + v1ElD, 2 drinks FOR Tl-IE SYRUP I cup water 1 cup raw (demerara) sugar 1 teaspoon pea flower powder FOR Tl-IE ICE CUBES ¼ cup lavender b lossoms or other edible flowers J/4 c;.up fresh lemon juice, strained FOR SERVING Lemon.flavored sparkling water, chilled 1½ ounces rrnsh lemon jui ce Lavender sprigs, ror garnish MAKE Tl-IE SYRUP: In a small saucepan. heal the water and sugar over medium heat. stirring often, until the mixture begins to si mmer and the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat. Stir in the pea powder; cover and let steep for 20 minutes. Strain into a glass jar and cool completely. MAKE Tl-IE ICE CUBES: Sprinkle the lavender blossoms into enough ice cube trays lo make 2 dtinks (about 4 standard cubes). Pour the sltained lemon juice over lhe blossoms. �reezo for ,d hours or overnight To serve, p lace l/4 ounce of the blue syrup in each of two 8•ounco cocktail glasses. Add sparkling water to each glass. Do not stir. Add l/4 ounce lemon juice lo each glass. Add 2 lemon ice cubes to each glass. Garnish with lavender sprigs. Wait for the magic color change from blue to purple! 58 � ·············•···············V··············•················+················+················+················+················+·············.·� , ... . . • •. ·, _ •'1t· ,. Next >