< PreviousC O R I A N D E R TA N G E R I N E S O R B E T W I T H L E M O N D I P P E D I N A M I X AT S I N A C R E S SP I N K G R A P E F R U I T M E R I N G U EC R O Q U A N T W H I R L S W H I T E G R A P E F R U I T C O R I A N D E R TA N G E R I N E S O R B E T W I T H L E M O N F R E S H TA N G E R I N E C R È M E /// C O N S T R U C T I O N ////// 187C O O K I N G M E R I N G U E Ingredients175 g water220 g zusto220 g isomalt powder220 g egg whitePreparationBring the water to the boil with thezusto and 210 grams of isomalt powder.Once the syrup boils, beat in the eggwhites with 10 grams of isomalt powder(mixer on medium setting). Boil thesyrup to 121°C. Then add in an even jetto the stiffly, but smoothly beaten eggwhites.Beat this cooking meringue at mediumspeed until cold.P R O C E S S I N G O N T O C R O Q U A N T W H I R L SUsing an icing bag with a toothed noz-zle, spray soft meringue whirls onto a sil-icone mat from the food drier and leaveto dry for 6 hours at 65°C.F I N I S H I N GAdd some soft meringue together withsome crispy whirls.Use bits of white and pink grapefruitwhich has been ‘peeled alive’ (pelé à vif ).Atsina cressWHY ZUSTO AS A SUGAR REPL ACEMENT SWEETENER ?Zusto, used as a sugar substitute, con-sists of corn and chicory fibres, but asthese lack the necessary sweetness, arti-ficial sweeteners (usually sucralose) areadded. In this way, the same sweeteningvalue is obtained as with sucrose, mak-ing adaptations of recipes unnecessary.More importantly, the structural proper-ties are almost identical to those of sugar(same final results in preparations andsimilar baking behaviour/properties).Note: Fibres (zusto) dissolve moreslowly in moisture and can thereforeclot. To avoid this, the sweetener mustbe added more evenly to the preparationor mixed with other dry substances toensure even absorption.Desserts for persons with food sensitivities We hope youenjoyed this EYB Book PreviewThe complete book is available from all major booksellers. Or use the "Buy Book" button and help support EYB.Next >